All I Know


She stands there

peering over the edge of the world,

already hovering in the fractals

of the gardens that stretch for her.

Her cheek is pressed against the glass

while purity is tormented by the fog

that lies in the undertones of her breath.

But she carves her little finger

straight through it on the glass

as her mind trips

off the edge of the shadow…

She holds no hesitation, no fear

of the world outside that beckons her.

She only sees she must go


and leave behind all she knows.

Namaste, Laura (Luna) Marie XO

A Pure-Hearted Spirit

You were

a pure-hearted spirit

burning up in the fire of life

an undercover agent

of the kind angel squad

a messenger of light

sent from the shadows

an uncaged bird

humming hypnotic tunes

a compassionate conduit

for others to release into

a spiritual doula

holding sacred space

where you guided others

to that cliff’s edge where

they could sit and dance

and dream and inspire

without fear of falling.

Namaste, Laura (Luna) Marie XO

Remember Who We Are


As the earth moves beneath our feet

and new mountains emerge from the depths of the sea,

All that was hidden must now be revealed.

With nothing left to cling to

and no one to blame,

We are at last alone with ourselves,

immersed in the ocean within,

diving below the surface

again and again

while it all rises up to meet us.

And so we learn to breathe

into the turbulent waters of our emotions

To find the inner anchor that holds still

as the winds of change and uncertainty

blow through our minds, our homes, our World.

Nowhere left to run

Right here, Right now, Open, Ready

It is time to return to the Wholeness

To Remember Who We Are.

-Melissa Myers

Releasing the Story of Laura Marie


Once upon a time, a sparkly little girl came into this world radiating love and light. She came into a family of fear, perfectionism, and punishment. They nurtured her with all the love they could muster because she shined so bright in their darkened eyes.

But with her clear blue lens, she stroked their pain and she learned to be determined, defensive. Harsh. Afraid.

As she grew, they taught her more and more until she forgot about her home, about her light. They had forgotten to love themselves. They had forgotten that they were love. And so she forgot too.

They taught her how to survive, how to fight the world for what she wanted and believed in, how to punish herself so she could become perfect. They had all forgotten.

Her heart and her light – still just as big and bright underneath – were now tainted, hidden with walls and curtains. She did not remember that her light was everywhere and her walls were not needed. She could not remember her true self as Creator, as the Light, as Love, as One with all those around her.

Her mother embodied self-judgment. Her father could see only her actions. And so she became only as much as she accomplished.
These values and all the pressure made her appear wildly successful as she grew up. She aced exams, became a leader, and filled up her time helping everyone around her breathe in their light.

She could see all their light.

But meanwhile, she held a hard plate of judgment against her own forehead.

As adulthood neared, she met a young man. He had forgotten also. They had told him he was unlovable.

But he loved her.

She could see the glow dripping from his soul. And so she tried to drown him in love, in more light. She tried desperately to show him he was worthy. She did not understand that she could not force him to drink his own light, to be his own love.

Years passed as she held his head, kept him breathing, gave him hope.

Her light was still there.


She dug her light so deeply as she tried to wipe the soot away from his.

Each time he relapsed, she felt less worthy. Less effective. Less perfect. And so the plate against her forehead grew heavier.

Then one day, her light screamed to let him go. She was giving him everything – even her very breath.

Then another day soon, he was gone.

The phone rang. The tears came. A spoon formed in her throat, shoveling darkness out of her. The plate cracked with weight against her forehead.

More tears. More trembling. More fear. More cruelty. More pain. So much more pain.

She could barely stand it.

She was just trying to love herself again and so she had let go…and she lost him.

A shiny new knife lurched in her heart.

She became very busy once again. Pleasing everyone. Loving everyone. Holding them so tight. Her knuckles burned. Her blood boiled.

But she became everyone’s perfect.

And so her light was choked. Starving.

Her heart seared with self-hatred of anything that did not fit the perfect image she had created.

This brutality invaded every part of her life because she knew deep down she was never going to be that bulletproof version of perfection.

She tried to be so strong so she could hold everyone up to the light she saw in their souls. While she stayed deep in the darkness.

Her body groaned and withered under the wrath of self-punishment. Her mind muttered sickening mantras with every breath.

A couple of years went by and suddenly, she found her exterior broken again.

This time, the hardened plate cracked and shattered away – more pain. More spoons shoveling. So much more pain.

But suddenly she could breathe again. She began to glow again. She continued to nurture everyone, but she began to nurture herself a little bit more.

Then one day, a beautiful glowing Fairy God Mother found her.

She gently removed the spoon and eased the tension against the girl’s forehead.

Kindness. Worthiness. Relief.

She taught the girl to speak foreign words as she walked until they became familiar.

“I am blessed. I am a blessing.”

The girl began to feel her own light again until one day she realized she was never really broken.

She had just covered herself up believing in false stuff. Neglected. Starving.

Her Fairy God Mother helped her find her way to a path. One with no plates or spoons or mixers or knives or perfect people. One with so much lightness and fire and air to breathe. One with water like crystal. One with soil of shining green and gold. One with space.

The girl found a practice where she began blending her individual light with a Light so great and big and beyond what she had ever experienced before. They call this practice Yoga.

Yoga showed her the great Light she was getting to know so well, and had truly always known and seen, was actually hers.

And it was everyone’s also.

As she allowed that Light to flow through her, gifts began pouring from her. Her essence was fiery, passionate.
Her Fairy God Mother told her she was a Truth-Seer: this was her greatest gift.

She realized she only knew one Truth – the Light – the Life that awoke each Spirit into each tiny body and mind.

The girl saw Truth everywhere she went and in everyone she met.

One day, she found herself called to a place full of powerful energy and love and clarity. And so she went to it.

In this place, the girl learned to teach this practice called Yoga to other people. She guided them through moving meditations, but more importantly, she began to show them how to become Seers of Truth as well:

The ones they were long ago. Before they chose their little bodies, opened their tiny eyes, and all forgot. She watched them rediscover themselves: Light Workers, Healers, Guides: re-awakening unique colors of the Light.

She began to see the more she shared her journey with others, the more they began to find their way along theirs: the more they began to see their own Light – the Light she could always see so clearly in them.

Soon, she realized she had wings. She was not of this world.

And so Laura Marie began to die. Over and over again.

As her blood still coursed, cooled.

As food still nourished her healthy body, rejuvenated.

As rest still beckoned her, stillness.

Laura Marie died as her soul began to breathe fully. As she returned to love. As she realized she was love. As she tasted freedom from form.

So she chooses now to learn and grow and teach and thrive in this dream.

And now she whispers to herself and the trees,

Freed as We are freedom.

Breathe as We are air.

Flow as We are water.

Create as We are earth.

Glow as We are the light.

Sparkle in Our hands…

Love as We are God.

Namaste, Laura (Luna) Marie XO



I am finding it interesting because the more I journey along my path and get to know the world and myself, the more I look at yogis, spiritual teachers, and people who are living consciously and I see so many clear mirrors that my intellectual mind asks the question, “What makes you unique? What makes anyone unique? There is no difference in us…”

I could spend my entire life trying to do yoga postures that I see everyday on instagram, trying to get my blog noticed by a certain number of people, trying to acquire some “success”… But what’s the point of that and what do I actually have to offer?

It’s easy to suddenly feel helpless and unconvinced that I have anything beneficial and groundbreaking to offer the world.  It’s in the little things like I say I want to write a book someday, but what the heck do I have to say that hasn’t already been written? I don’t have a super traumatic story or a talent in one area specifically that I imagine myself thriving in like a singer or an athlete. It’s as though, the more I understand all as a reflection of myself, the more my mind is stumped and asks these questions…

But, simultaneously there is an ever-deepening hunger of my spirit for more connection: to witness new mirrors that are expressed in their own unique light and color, to see from a new perspective that deepens the truths I already live by. Once we get to a certain point and truly realize all we ever need is within us, there is an abundance of truth, however, life brings everything and everyone we need to re-discover those truths on deeper and deeper levels. And it’s our job as awakening beings to live those truths authentically for ourselves and the world.

So I get afraid sometimes about moving to California and whole-heartedly pursuing my current set of dreams (who knows if they’ll change or remain the same…) because I have that question in the back of my mind. In reality, when I sit from the stance of my Divine Self, I see how worthy I am. I see that to ask myself the question “What makes anyone unique?” is actually completely insane. It is of the ego or the small self: to need more, to seek endless validation that doesn’t exist anywhere external, to need to be different and “special”, to need some kind of “fulfillment” as if I’m not already full…

I see every individual I encounter is infinitely unique and inspiring to me, but it’s easier to overlook that beauty in myself in moments when I am sitting within the purview of my egoic mind.

From the broader perspective of my true Self, I see how important I am, but not in the egoic I need to be famous and scream my message to billions of people type-of-way. Instead, I see my influence on the world is actually rather gentle. I just have to remember that I am worthy, powerful, and have unique purpose that I have already expressed and will continue to express… It is the unique song my spirit hums that is eternal in nature.

There is such an intriguing irony in the truth that we are all the same (actually One), but different. I like the image of all of us being one giant prism where light is cast upon. What is unique is the colors our spirits express, where we are directed to, and what design we create. But we are all this One prism.

I am at the point of knowing all of this clearly, but I also see there is a deepening of this truth that will inevitably grow within me in due time. It will only become clearer and, damn, I’m realizing the journey only every gets better.

Namaste, Laura Marie XO