Eagle’s Eye


A grudge is poison only to its Beholder. Judgment is always about the Judge. Negativity is the mere spark to endless turmoil. Hell is not a place, but the prison of a man’s closed mind. All war is an internal battle seeping into the small tangible hands of many. All cruelty and anger this world mutters comes from men who light their fire in Fear’s house.

Choose to lay your head down in Love’s sun-kissed attic. Explore the contagiousness of a kind heart. Play with all that brings a smile to your soul. Whisper your message to others, for the abruptness of your voice will have less power. Bless all you encounter with unconditional acceptance. Evolve slowly, methodically, experientially into the winged creature you wish to be. As gently as the sun opens the eyes of the world and the moon hushes her to sleep, softly shake yourself, and the world, awake.

Namaste, Laura Marie XO

2 thoughts on “Eagle’s Eye

  1. Lovely piece of writing and great overlay of the eagle.. is that YOU in the photo Laura? .. And yes those who hold onto bitterness and begrudge others poisons themselves from within… Learning to let it all go turn a heart around is indeed blessed with a new lease of existence.. I feel great sadness for those who still hang onto their internal battles.. The only war they wage is upon themselves..

    Love and Blessings.. and thank you for I have enjoyed my time here this afternoon… xxx Sue <3


    • Yes that is me in the photo… the eagle is my northern spirit guide and I found this writing spilling out of me when I tuned into its wondrous energy.
      Yes, my heart aches for all those who are imprisoned by their own minds, but I find it all equally as beautiful – I see we chose to live as human beings encased in bodies with minds which cannot truly know peace and love without fear… I find my joy in that we must be meant to experience the darkness that our minds create simply because it is an inevitable part of our experience – the true journey towards rediscovery of our Selves beyond our minds and beyond defense begins when we realize true wisdom and peace does not lie within our minds, but in the awareness of it. This is a freedom I pray for every entity of the Whole to taste when it is the right time for them <3 XO


Say what you mean, Jelly Bean!